In Oklahoma, we are never forced to face the facts. Here are some hard facts that came from a recent audit done of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (
OKDHS). Although
DHS does the best that it can with the resources available. Following are some recent (2007) statistics. Here are the top ten:
10. Only sixty (60) percent of children removed from their homes by the State are ever reunified with their parents.
9. In 2007 alone, 573 children aged out of the foster care system....and were never adopted.
8. Only 40% of children adopted from
DHS are adopted from their foster care parents.
7. In 2007, 506 children who were waiting adoption had been in the system for MORE than five years.
6. The average age of a child adopted through
DHS is 6.5 years old.
5. Eleven (11) percent of children are placed in permanent
guardianship's, eight (8) percent age out of the system, Nineteen (19) percent of children are adopted and sixty (60) percent are reunified. The other two (2) percent of children either run away or die in foster care.
4. Forty-six (46) percent of children in foster care are adopted by their family.
3. Sadly, in Oklahoma, 20% of waiting children are
African American while only 11% are being adopted, 15% of children are
Hispanic while only 12% are being adopted, 22% are multiracial and only 16% are being adopted, 8% are native
american and 11% are being adopted, and 35% of children are
Caucasian and a staggering 49% are being adopted. Clearly
Caucasian children are being preferred.
2. Once a child reaches the age of 9, the
likelihood of being adopted drops significantly.
1. 4,628 foster children in Oklahoma are waiting to be adopted.
There is something that you can do. Call 1-866-512-2565.