Monday, April 27, 2009 Thursday

There are probably a thousand things we could change about the adoption laws....seriously...from taxes, to relinquishments, children's rights, etc. But we will go one by one. Our goal is to Promote Oklahoma Adoptions. We will not just stop after the law is changed, we will probably have a new task. Ok - we WILL have a new task. So with that said, we have a TON of exciting news here are a few highlights.

1. Radio Show - 93.3 KKNG is going to be hosting US to talk about Promote Oklahoma Adoption and our law changes!!!! HOLY cow! So - we will be giving you a heads up - so that you can hear what we have to say.

2. Fox 25 News - We will hopefully have some exciting news this week about Fox 25 - in OKC!!!

3. Rep. Fred Jordan has requested a copy of "Coopers Law"....wanna drop him a line and let him know you support it???
Member's Photo

Capitol Address:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 557-7331

Tell Fred you would like to see him become involved.

4. And here is where we are getting the real 1000....On facebook, we have almost 800 right now...get on facebook and invite the max of 60 people...right now, drop all you are doing...and lets hit 1000.....

Have a great week....but the goal....Thousand by Thursday - hit it peeps!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009


sum⋅ma⋅tion [suh-mey-shuhn] :
a review or recapitulation of previously stated facts or statements, often with a final conclusion or conclusions drawn from them.

Apparently I had to take another look at that definition. Ever since we started this blog, we have had TONS of attention...traffic...publicity...and conversations. But what HAS become clear is that we have not clearly defined what the law we propose is trying to this is a "summation". If you would like to read it yourself, please e-mail us and we will e-mail you "Coopers Law". Please beware, it is not a summation, it is total legal jargon and SIX pages long. But if you want it, by all means you got it. So here goes....

In Oklahoma, if you are a birthMOTHER you must go to court to relinquish your rights. You must stand in front of a judge and be questioned about your decision, your sexual relationship that led to this birth, the father, your relationship with him, wether or not you are making the right decision, etc. If you think this is exaggerating, I assure you, I am a lawyer, I have done relinquishments, and this DOES happen, every single time. It is necessary information, but humiliating none the less. However a birthFATHER can fill out a form and relinquish his rights, without going to court. SO - what we are proposing is only ADDING the option, that IF a birthmother wants to relinquish her rights and she CHOOSES to do it 48 hours after the birth of the child. She may do so, without going to court. If she would like to go to court, she may. It is HER CHOICE. It changes NOTHING about the way the law exists only gives MORE options.

Another concern one gentlemen had is why only DHS and adoption agencies can do this. The short answer, they are licensed by the State as a child placing agencies. Attorneys, in general, are not licensed as child placing agencies. If they become licensed, then they would have the same ability. No harm - no foul.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Holy Moly!

We've had an exciting week as we've seen some doors opening to get the word out about our purpose with this amendment!

But we still need your help!

I am not sure if any of you saw the article in The Oklahoman about the adoption task force, but it was excellent and my heart was seriously pounding after reading it. I know, I get WAY too excited about this stuff!

It's great to see politicians getting involved in adoption law and realizing how many lives adoption touches.

In the article, it stated that they are wanting to add an adoptive parent and a birth parent to the task force in the next year. So guess who contacted these guys? Yours truly!

Within a couple of hours, Rep. Jason Nelson emailed me back and thanked me for my interest. He said there were several people that had contacted them about this and that they would review the names submitted as a group. But, he did want to know more about this amendment that we were working on (of course I mentioned that!).

He asked me to email it to him and I also sent him the blog. I know, I am a dork!

So, here is what we need you to do...real stuff here guys!

Contact Rep. Jason Nelson and Senator Steve Russell and let them know that you support this amendment. If you click on each name it is linked to contact information and a bio for each. The contact information is on the right down a bit on the page.

When you contact them please make reference to the amendment so that they know exactly which one you are talking about. These guys have a ton on their plate! So what do you reference? Typically - laws have names. You have heard of "Megan's Law" or "The Adam Walsh Act". So the big reveal? We will call this, "Cooper's Law". So when you write them, let them know you support "Cooper's Law".

These men are two of those that serve on the adoption task force. Here is just a snipit of the article, "The task force is charged with considering recommendations for bills in the 2010 legistlative session."

Are you kidding me? How incredible is God that these names were put under my nose (by my precious MIL) just yesterday, and today I am sending him our "recommendations".

I am so thankful to all of you that are supporting this and I am also thankful to Mr. Nelson for responding so quickly and even showing interest in our concerns and wanting to take it before his committee!

Keep praying guys! And please contact these men as soon as you have a moment to contain yourselves from all of the excitement!

**If you want to read the amendment for yourself, please comment and give us your email (or email to us at and we will email it to you. It's 6 pages so that is why we haven't posted it!**

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Sometimes you just need support....

I have been so impressed by you all. We have a lot of followers for a blog that is so new and we have 611 members of the "Promote Oklahoma Adoption Cause" on facebook. But guess what folks, it ain't enough. So what can I say to motivate you to hop on facebook and hit the limit of 60 invites to the cause today? What can I do to get you to pick up the phone and call ANYONE you know who is willing to write a story in ANY media outlet, call a friend who is a representative, call your adoption agency, or write an "article" for this blog? I sat here tonight - praise songs in the background trying to write something special, to get your attention....and then it came to me....Adoption, well it is biblical...

James 1:27 says, "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Not everyone is called to adopt. Sometimes I think I should and sometimes I think it isn't what God wants for my family. But this I know, I am called to look after orphans. I do it in my job, I have adopted members in my family, and I am CALLED to do something. Today - what are you called to do? Want to adopt? Contact an Agency. Want to change the law? Send us an e-mail, we can give you assignments. Want to contribute? Donate money so someone who can't afford, has the finances to adopt. Want to love? Consider fostering. But my friends, you are called to do something. And on a weekend where we celebrate the fact that our Father gave everything so that we might be saved and adopted into his family, what will you do, so that a little one has hope.....hope of a family?

Things you can do today:
1. Follow the blog. (click on the tool to the right)
2. Join the cause on facebook and invite those to join.
3. Add the "Promote Ok Adoption" button to your blog.
4. Comment on this post.
5. Pray - and do what you feel called to do - and e-mail us with what it was.
6. If you know anyone in the house of representatives please contact them with this information and have them contact us at our email.

God has plans for us friends. And we are so eager to see what God does with this.

Contact us via e-mail if you are interested in writing an "article" for this blog at

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh this is good!

A friend sent this to me and I thought it was great especially because of what we are trying to do with this blog!

Please take a moment to read this cool article! It's really short, I promise!

I hope it lights a fire under your fanny like it does mine!

Have a great day and please keep sharing this blog to help us gain support!

Remember, post button on your blog, comment, join the cause or invite those to join the cause on Facebook....and Promote Oklahoma Adoption!!!!!