Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Orphans Deserve Better

I know this post is late, but I know that people still don't know about this movie. So, I am going to post it here too!

There is a movie that was released last week that is called Orphan. It is about a 9 year-old girl that is adopted into a family. After the transition into her new family she begins to terrorize everyone she knows, including her new family. The preview alone is enough to make anyone that has considered adoption, but is "riding the fence" run in the other direction. I realize that people that are considering adoption won't actually go see this movie, because it is a horror film. What gets me is that trailer and preview. So many people have seen it.

Someone asked me last week why it was so upsetting since it was fictional and a horror film and not reality. This is why...most people that talk to me about adoption and fostering have fears about how the transition will go. Usually the conversation moves to the age of the children they would be open to and a fear of what trauma they might have experienced. Then it moves to the thought that we don't want to expose our children to something harmful. This is why Orphan is so upsetting. It is focusing on something that actually could happen, but is not common. It is stereotyping children that need a family as one that is to be afraid of. It pushes all of us to fear and not to seeking what Christ is asking us to do in caring for the fatherless.
Please help us by signing this petition and asking Warner Bros. to donate some of their profits from the movie to help orphans around the world.
A local news station called our agency last week and said they were doing a story to counter the release of this movie. They interviewed the director of the agency and our family. Please let me preface this by telling you that this was done last minute and evidently I didn't have time to remove the gum from my mouth! So embarrassing! Anyway, at least they gave the adoption community an opportunity to speak up about this film! Just wish I could have been a better spokesperson...SORRY! I am linking the story below because I can't figure out how to link it to this post!


Charissa said...

I am too especially grieved about this as I am trying desperately to find host families for 17 Russian orphans who need families. I shudder to think of what will become of them if they don't find families soon. Their chances are so slim as it is without trash like that.

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow, that is so sad. I hadn't heard about it yet but that is just really unfortunate and I don't understand the media's obsession with portraying adoption/oprhans in a negative light.

P.S. You did a great job on your interview! Your kiddos are adorable - and I love love love your rug!! :)

Chassidy said...

You dont' give yourself enough credit...you did AWESOME!!! Such a passionate voice for adopted families everywhere! You rock sister!